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(1) Jäckle & Hösle (2) swedishstockings.com - "Svea Premium" (3) me (with an ugly sunburn)
Waaaaay too late, I know, but here it is: my june recap! I think there was really no summer where I was as busy as I am this year. I won't complain - I like to have my calendar filled every day with things to do, but the last couple of weeks have been nothing but a constant challenge of getting enough sleep to make sure I'm not falling asleep during the day after. But as I've already said, I don't wanna complain about the last weeks, because if I haven't had work and my lessons everyday at the driving school I would just be bored sitting at home and waiting for the next workday. Before I finally get my driving license it will probably be the end of August, which means until then I'm gonna continue my work- and study schedule. I really hope to manage to write some more blogposts in between as well, besides the monthly recaps (which I actually really enjoy, but at the same time it scares me, because those recaps make me just realize how fast every month is going by!!!).
Let's make it an actual recap then. In June, I took my final exams and on the 22nd, we celebrated the end of our school career at school. It was a beautiful and emotional ceremony, but to be honest, I didn't quite realize what just has happened in this moment. It seemed surreal and felt just like "Okay, we're going to have summer break now and see each other in class in autumn again". My classmates then went to a big graduation party, but unfortunately, after I got back from my little trip to Sweden, I was really sick. I just didn't feel well and first I thought, I could maybe join the party later when I ate and drank something, but it kept getting worse and in the end I fell asleep with fever and bad headache. I'm so so so sad I couldn't join the last big party with all my classmates, teachers and friends from school.
But apropos trip to Sweden, I had a lovely time there. Except coming home sick, I had a great time visiting all my friends, my family, and to join the graduation party ("Studenten") of my best friends and former classmates. I love them all so much and I'm beyond grateful that I got the chance to meet them and to make such good friends in just one year. They are literally the best!!! My friend Laura and I traveled together to my second home, and we took lots of pictures during our trip, I might upload some of them as soon as I've got a little more time.
After my swedish and austrian graduation, I immediately started working, and so far I'm really happy with the job and my colleagues. They're all so helpful and kind and I admire their patience with me (as I'm asking thousand question just to make sure I do everything the right way).
Other than that, I'm having driving lessons since a week now and I'm really not sure if I'm gonna be a good driver someday - it feels like I have no control at all over the car when I'm driving haha.
We're in the middle of summer now - time goes by so fast! When I visited my folks in southern Sweden, I couldn't resist to buy some summer-sale items. Two jumpsuits from Weekday, silver earrings from Urban Outfitters and a backpack as well as a silver shirt from my favorite Second Hand Shop landed in my bags on my way back to Austria.
But scrolling through the internet made me wanna get some more pieces, for example those really beautiful shoes from Maddies Outfit (which itself is gorgeous too) - but as soon as they were on sale, they were sold out. It feels like I'm always coming late when my favorite pieces are on sale. :(
Luckily, the Indie Magazine, which I lately found again, won't be sold out if I finally subscribe to it. I wanted to do it already months ago but always forgot about it - now it's time, I guess.
And then there are some items on my wishlist, which let me combine business with pleasure. For my job, I need to wear tights (yes, even inside, but there are air conditioners, so it's not as bad as it might sound). I found two extremely beautiful tights at Swedish Stockings: Nina Fishbone and Svea Premium. Gonna order them this week as well. The people behind Swedish Stockings follow a exemplary mission, because they produce their tights only from recycled ones. You can benefit from this as well, when you send them at least 3 of your old stockings and in return you will get a 30% voucher for your next purchase.

Not to forget, my 6 (not five this time, I couldn't decide!) favorite blogposts in June were really inspiring and gave me lots of motivation to try something new or to think of something from a different angle. Take a look yourself!
- Peppermynta Mag regularly puts different sustainable and charitable institutions in the spotlight. Last month it was an intiative called Shades of Love. In the Himalaya region the population suffers from sunlight - something, I didn't know anything about. But thinking about how easy it is to help, namely just to donate sunglasses, it's something everyone should consider to do.
- Corinna from the blog Kissen & Karma posted a super sweet DIY on her blog, perfect for the outdoor summer: How to build a muntin window.
- I love love love Mias travel guides. Here are her recommendations of Londons best cafés. I want to visit every single one she recommended! I consider to travel to London just to sit in these beautiful looking cafés...
- Another blogger whose postings I adore are the ones from Stef. Her recipe of how to make Basilikumpesto seems to be easy and especially very yummy!
- Vreni from Jäckle & Hösle writes an article about a topic which I never read somewhere on the internet before. It's an issue for me as well, because to accept, that I'm simply never gonna to have browned skin in the summer, wasn't always easy. Embrace your paleness!
- I can't name any article from Maddie from dariadaria which I don't find somewhat inspiring. Maybe not a "classic" dariadaria post, she writes about her experience with Tesla and why it maybe is more than just a car for "the rich".
Wow, das hört sich ganz danach an als hättest du einige sehr ereignisreiche Wochen hinter dir!
AntwortenLöschenIch mag das allerdings auch recht gern. Obwohl ich es nicht haben kann, wenn es an den Schlaf geht. Viel tun und produktiv sein okay, aber meinen Schlaf brauche ich trotzdem. ;)
Ich bin ja so was von froh, dass mein Führerschein schon Jahre hinter mir liegt. Ich mochte diese ganzen Fahrstunden usw gar nicht und die Prüfung selbst fand ich schlimmer als mein Abi! ^^
das hört sich ja toll an. da hast du ja einiges erlebt. danke für deinen Rückblick
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Abschluss! EIn schöner Rcklick :=)
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße
Liebe Liz,
AntwortenLöschenich gratuliere dir von Herzen zu deinem Abschluss und es freut mich total, dass du dich so wohl in deinem Job fühlst und dass es damit auch so schnell geklappt hat. Gute Kollegen sind das A und O und Gold wert :-)
Die Fotos von euch zwei sind übrigens total süß und hübsch!
Ich kenne das übrigens auch, manchmal vergeht die Zeit so schnell, dass auch ich mit meinem Monatsrückblick viel zu spät dran bin :-D
Viele liebe Grüße
Sehr schöne Bilder und ein toller Rückblick! :)
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße
Jimena von littlethingcalledlove.de